The Welsh Beekeepers' Association (WBKA) is the national support organization and representative body for beekeepers in Wales. A team of volunteers provides members with services and support in a number of areas: events, resources, insurance, supplier discounts, as well as training to develop members’ knowledge and skills, leading to recognized beekeeping qualifications. Most of WBKA’s 1,700 members are indirectly affiliated with the organization via its 19 independent and local beekeeping associations.
The specific aim of the Wild Bees Project is to conduct the first citizen-science demographic study in the area between France's Jura Nature Reserve and Geneva's metropolitan area by geo-localizing unmanaged honey bee nests, taking photographs of non-melliferous bees for their identification, and involving the general public and a team of experts.
Director (Project): Steve Rogenstein at The Ambeessadors
Director (Science): Arrigo Moro at University of Galway
Director: Keith Browne at University of Galway
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